A fun game show experience hosted by a comedian! Our game has earned rave reviews and mixes up games that will make your team laugh, compete and bond in this high-energy event. This experience is great for groups up to 50 to help drive engagement and laughs.
You'll be able to talk to our team in advance to make sure we know your needs, your audience, and any special considerations (such as a guest of honor). The price includes hosting the comedy game show at your office. We also offer a variety of venues at an additional charge. We reach the venue before the official start time to make sure all the aspects are taken care of, and also to welcome attendees. Once the event starts, we take care of everything!
Full refund on cancellations 4+ weeks in advance
Half refund on cancellations 4 weeks in advance
No refund on cancellations after 3 weeks in advance
Flat fee* $999
Per person fee $40