You're in good company

Featured Experiences
View All
from $45/person
Corporate Team Feud

from $49.5/person
Snark Tank Team Pitch & Laughs
5 (4)
from $60/person
The Office Olympics
4.9 (15)
from $70/person
Team Wine Tasting
5 (5)
from $95/person
The Ultimate Team Challenge - Create your own Mural

from $49/person
The Charity Game Show
4.9 (9)
from $20/person
The Pirate Cruise - Seattle Sip & Sail

from $125/person
The Incredible Olympics

from $99/person
In-Office DIY Turkish Mosaic Lamp Making

from $125/person
Cocktail Making with Live Mixologist

from $79.99/person
Blacksmithing Team Workshop - Seattle Industrial District

from $55/person
Santa Cruz Catamaran - Sip and Sail

from $50/person
Make a Holiday Gift Box for Charity

from $169/person
Build a Bike for Children

from $160/person
The Domino Effect Challenge

from $50/person
Cocktails and Comedy Happy Hour

from $506/person
Luxury Yacht Cruise - Seattle

from $17.5/person
NYC Tribeca Team Cocktails & Comedy Off-Site

from $125/person
Make your own Charcuterie Box or Board - Downtown Seattle

from $50/person
Distillery Tour and Spirit Tasting - Downtown Seattle

from $125/person
Floral Arranging - Downtown Seattle

from $80/person
Build a Skateboard for Children
In-Person Seattle Events

from $45/person
Corporate Team Feud

from $79.99/person
Blacksmithing Team Workshop - Seattle Industrial District

from $0/person
Bollywood DJ Party

from $49/person
The Marshmallow Charity Challenge

from $99/person
Bee Conservancy: Building Beehives for Sustainability

from $0/person
EDM DJ Party

from $45/person
Bollywood Dance Workshop

from $93.5/person
Downtown Seattle Culinary Workshop - Italian and Asian

from $93.5/person
Sommelier Wine and Cheese Pairing - Downtown

from $107.95/person
Team Block Printing Workshop - Downtown Seattle

from $210/person
Glass Blowing - Seattle Team Experience

from $125/person
Make your own Charcuterie Box or Board - Downtown Seattle

from $50/person
Distillery Tour and Spirit Tasting - Downtown Seattle

from $125/person
Floral Arranging - Downtown Seattle

from $50/person
Egg Drop Challenge for Charity: Design, Drop, Donate!

from $499/person
Paws and Peaks: Team Hike with Shelter Dogs

from $100/person
Team Outing at Seattle Farm

from $99/person
Paint & Sip Experience for Small Groups

from $45/person
Scenario Challenge

from $60/person
After Party Band
In-Person Bay Area Events

from $45/person
Corporate Team Feud

from $95/person
Robot Build and Battle

from $95/person
The Ultimate Team Challenge - Create your own Mural

from $70/person
Team Wine Tasting
5 (5)
from $70/person
Battle of the Mural Blocks

from $125/person
The Incredible Olympics

from $125/person
Eagle Glide

from $180/person
San Francisco Ranch Offsite

from $125/person
Spuds of Thunder

from $75/person
The Best Custom Team Scavenger Hunt

from $65/person
Bay Area - Team Cocktails and Comedy

from $145/person
Chocolate Making & Wine Tasting - North Beach

from $38/person
Duboce Triangle SF - Cocktails & Comedy Team Party

from $50/person
Cocktails and Comedy Happy Hour
Custom off-sites - Let us plan, manage, and deliver a 5 star off-site for you!
In-Person Across USA

from $45/person
Corporate Team Feud

from $49.5/person
Snark Tank Team Pitch & Laughs
5 (4)
from $125/person
The Incredible Olympics

from $125/person
Eagle Glide

from $125/person
Spuds of Thunder

from $125/person
Authentic Leadership (Training Program)

from $125/person
Kidnapped: Rescue Mission

from $160/person
The Domino Effect Challenge

from $125/person
End Hunger Games

from $50/person
Cocktails and Comedy Happy Hour
All-inclusive Team Retreats
Sip and Sail Team Events

from $20/person
The Pirate Cruise - Seattle Sip & Sail

from $55/person
Santa Cruz Catamaran - Sip and Sail

from $55/person
The Sailing Duo - NYC

from $506/person
Luxury Yacht Cruise - Seattle

from $270/person
Los Angeles Luxury Coastal Cruise

from $440/person
Executive Yacht Cruise - Paradise Cove, Malibu

from $89/person
NYC Offsite Cruise - Comedy + Open Bar + 3 hour cruise

from $20/person
Bay Area - Team Sip and Sail
5 (2)
from $20/person
Executive Private Wine Tasting & Yacht Experience - Bay Area

from $55/person
Executive Private Wine Tasting Cruise - New York

from $55/person
Seattle Pontoon - Sip n Sail

from $99/person
Paint & Sip Experience for Small Groups
In-Person Holiday Activities

from $40/person
Caricature Making with Team

from $70/person
Team Wine Tasting
5 (5)
from $79/person
Chocolate Tasting

from $95/person
Chocolate Truffle Making

from $99/person
In-Office DIY Turkish Mosaic Lamp Making

from $125/person
Cocktail Making with Live Mixologist

from $130/person
Succulent Terrarium Making at your Office

from $145/person
Boozy Ice Cream Tasting at Your Office

from $150/person
Nitrogen Frozen Ice Cream Making

from $160/person
In-Office Cookie Decorating

from $150/person
Holiday Carnival

from $25/person